The Editorial and Peer-Review Processes

  • Upon the receipt of a manuscript, submitted for possible publication in JJEE, an acknowledgement of receipt is conveyed to all co-author(s).
  • Each manuscript is checked against plagiarism, duplicate or redundant publication using anti-plagiarism software (iThenticate):
    • If the manuscript fails the plagiarism check, it well be rejected immediately and the author(s) will not be considered for future publication in JJEE
    • If the manuscript passes the plagiarism check, it will be preliminarily evaluated by JJEE’s editor-in-chief based on its scientific quality and relevance to the journal’s scope. At this stage, the editorial board may reject the manuscript without further processing if it fails to satisfy either of the aforementioned requirements.
  • If found appropriate, the manuscript will be submitted for double-blind peer-review by at least two reviewers. The potential reviewers are selected by JJEE’s editorial board, provided that no conflict of interests exists between those reviewers and the manuscript’s author(s).
  • Based on the manuscript’s originality, relevance to the Journal’s scope, significance, novelty of approach, completeness and correctness of proofs, writing clarity, citation of all relevant published work etc., the reviewers are requested to make clear and justified recommendations of one of the following actions:
    • Accept the manuscript
    • Reject the manuscript. In this case, the manuscript should not be resubmitted to JJEE in the future
    • Require major/minor changes to the manuscript. In this case, the author(s) will be requested to prepare a revised version of the manuscript – in accordance with the reviewers’ comments – in addition to a letter that contains a step-by-step response to each of the reviewers’ comments. Based on the revised manuscript, the reviewers make their final justified decision.
  • Based on the reviewers’ comments and recommendations, the editorial board decides whether the manuscript is suitable for publication or not. The decision along with the reviewers’ comments is sent to the author(s).
  • If accepted for publication, the article will be given a unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and assigned to the next available future issue of JJEE.