Articles in pressArticles in press are peer reviewed, accepted and proofread articles that are not yet assigned to a specific volume/ issue; nonetheless, they can be cited using the assigned to them DOIs and the date of their online availability. AI-Based Energy Management and Prediction System for Smart Cities Ahmed Saeed, Rao Muhammad Asif, Ateeq Ur Rehman, Syed Rizwan Hassan, Salil Bharany, Habib Hamam |Pages: XXX-XXX| 4 A Compact and Flexible Rectenna for 915 MHz Wireless Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting Saif M. Almadamegha, Rula S. Alrawashdeh, Saqer S. Alja’aferh |Pages: XXX-XXX| 3 Publication Ethics Editorial & Peer-Review Processes Boards The Editorial Board The International Advisory Board For Authors Instructions on Manuscript’s Preparation MS Word Template Copyright Form Manuscript Tracking For Reviewers Guidelines for Reviewers Review Submission Copyright & Access Publishing Schedule Publisher, Management & Funding Contact Address