A Compact and Flexible Rectenna for 915 MHz Wireless Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting Saif M. Almadamegha, Rula S. Alrawashdeh, Saqer S. Alja’aferh |Pages: XXX-XXX| Continue ReadingA Compact and Flexible Rectenna for 915 MHz Wireless Radio Frequency Energy Harvesting Saif M. Almadamegha, Rula S. Alrawashdeh, Saqer S. Alja’aferh |Pages: XXX-XXX|
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Data Shuffling and Data Blocks Shuffling Method for Digital Data Signals Protection Hisham O. Alrawashdeh |Pages: 168-179| Continue ReadingData Shuffling and Data Blocks Shuffling Method for Digital Data Signals Protection Hisham O. Alrawashdeh |Pages: 168-179|
Multi-Objective Optimization of SEPIC-Cuk Converter for Photovoltaic Application Minyahil Tanashu, Tassew Tadiwos, Amare Kassaw, Seifu Admasu, Getasew Admasu, Noah Ezra, Teng Long, Lara Allen, Elizabeth M. Tennyson, Sam Stranks, Tefera Terefe |Pages: 151-167| Continue ReadingMulti-Objective Optimization of SEPIC-Cuk Converter for Photovoltaic Application Minyahil Tanashu, Tassew Tadiwos, Amare Kassaw, Seifu Admasu, Getasew Admasu, Noah Ezra, Teng Long, Lara Allen, Elizabeth M. Tennyson, Sam Stranks, Tefera Terefe |Pages: 151-167|
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Design of Multilayered XOR Gate Using Quantum Dot Cellular Automata Angshuman Khan, Rohit Kumar Shaw |Pages: 89-99| Continue ReadingDesign of Multilayered XOR Gate Using Quantum Dot Cellular Automata Angshuman Khan, Rohit Kumar Shaw |Pages: 89-99|
Robust Finger Vein Presentation Attack Detection Using XceptionNet-based Modified Depthwise Separable Convolutional Neural Network Ahmad Atallah Alsawalqah, Bakhtiar Affendi Rosdi |Pages: 66-88| Continue ReadingRobust Finger Vein Presentation Attack Detection Using XceptionNet-based Modified Depthwise Separable Convolutional Neural Network Ahmad Atallah Alsawalqah, Bakhtiar Affendi Rosdi |Pages: 66-88|